Saturday, August 23, 2014

PA Golden shovel poem

Grace for the Taking

Amazed, puzzled, surprised, no,
just filled with childish wonder,
to know the Mighty One, the
creator of the stars, moon
and sun, the trees, the grass in

fields, the rushing rivers, the
rain drops tapping the window,
the whole world, loves us! It seems
a dazzling dream come true to
understand the gift we have.

It appears we have drifted
into our own schemes far out
of amazing grace, out of
hope, out of peace into a                                                                              
fake and temporary love.

The God, the Man, the Poem
expressed sweet compassion that
wants good things for me and you,
declaring joy to those used
to earning what we’re drawn to.

Shame may divide, but we know
forgiveness was paid for by
the divinely wounded heart.

(From Forgetfulness by Bill Collins)

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