Monday, November 14, 2022

In the Blank PAD 4-1

 In the Heat of the Night


Thinking of our parents having sex

is a weird thing to do,

like when you’re a kid

hearing a squeaky bed

wondering what was going on in there.


I’m glad they enjoyed it

resulting in my four sisters and me.

Though we’re in our fifties, sixties

and seventies, we’re still an important

part of each other’s lives.


And living in California, Colorado,

Nebraska and Ohio, it often gives us

places to stop by when we’re traveling.


When going back to PA to see the folks,

when they were alive, we in the west,

would wish that one of the Nebraska sisters

would have ended up in Chicago

so we’d save on a motel.


But it’s nice to visit two at one time

like I’m doing now.

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