Saturday, November 30, 2024

Friday, November 29, 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Ten words PAD 10-1



Pumping uphill fast

Dog follows


Harmonious comradeship


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Weird PAD 9-3



But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; (1 Peter 2:9 KJV)


The people of God

May seem a bit odd,

But with God as the Dad,

We can’t be all bad.


Our commission from above

Is simply to love,

Shining the light

Amidst the night.


So even if it’s out of fashion,

We’ll praise Him with passion.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Weird PAD 9-2

 “Y’all are weird!”

Drawled our southern friends

Feelings were mutual

Monday, November 25, 2024

Weird PAD 9-1



W hacky, wonderful, weird

E xtraordinary, many tiered

I nteresting, peculiar, strange

R eally bizarre and apt to change

D ay by day and that’s okay

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Well Blank PAD 8-3

 “Well Written”


W onderful words

E ncouraging writers,

L etting them know that readers

Liked their words.


W riters feel

R ewarded for their

I deas, hard work and

T ime put in

T o creatively

E xpress what’s on their heart. “Well written,”

N urtures their creative souls.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Well blank PAD 8-2

 Well, Where Next?


One of my sisters and I,

We travel together

In many ways,

We’re birds of feather


We’ve been to Scotland

Ireland, England and Wales

We’ve been to France, Kenya

St. Augustine with tales


We just got back from Italy

And then I get her text

With a link to a tour company

Asking, “Well, where next?”

Friday, November 22, 2024

Well blank PAD 8-1




I prayed for your wellbeing

As I did yesterday

All the Lord asks of me

Is to have a little faith


I prayed for your spirit

To trust God above

To look to your Father

For forgiveness and love


I prayed for your soul

To be well fulfilled

Embraced by happiness

With nothing concealed


I prayed for your body

To be healthy and whole

Free of aches and pains

As age takes its toll


I prayed for your mind

To be pure and clear

And to not be entangled

With confusion and despair


So look for these answers

Since I prayed for you

And I have this hope

That His promises are true


I prayed for your wellbeing

As I did yesterday

All the Lord asks of me

Is to have a little faith

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Frustration, PAD 7-3

 Disorientation Frustration


I got back from my trip three weeks ago,

So you would think I’d be back to my routine.

But I’m still way behind on my to-dos,

And it doesn’t help to drink more caffeine.


It’s not that I do not have enough time.

Perhaps my mind is still in Italy.

Or maybe I am a bit too spoiled,

Since cooking and cleaning was done for me.


After touring Venice, Rome and Pompeii,

Seeing castles, riding boats and the like,

Perhaps my daily life seems a bit slow,

So maybe it will help to take a hike.


I know I will soon get into the flow.

But next, again, I’ll be longing to go.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Frustration PAD 7-2

 Interpretation Frustration


I paid a lot for hearing aids.

So I expect to hear each word.

There seems to be some missing ones,

And it is getting quite absurd.


So did she say do not or do?

To meet on Tuesday or today?

Is this the way he said to go?

Or did he say the other way?


With just a word or two things change.

Did she say she fought the new cat?

Since there has been a stray about.

Or perhaps she bought a new hat.


It doesn’t frustrate only me,

It messes with everyone’s mind.

When they have to speak more clearly,

Attempting to at least be kind.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Frustration PAD 7-1


I wake up feeling surly

My mind acts a bit whirly

We set our clocks back

It’s like an attack

I’m getting up too early

Monday, November 18, 2024

Advice PAD 6-3


A wise person

takes Jesus’s words

(not as advice)

but as commands.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Advice, PAD 6-2




A dvice is best when  

D erived from an expert.  Also, a

V ariety of advice helps.

I deas, research, brainstorming.

C hoose wisely.

E veryone has an opinion.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

advice PAD 6-1


The waitress demanded a tip,

and so he said,

“Look both ways before crossing the street.”

Friday, November 15, 2024

Love/antilove PAD 5-3




L ove is choosing,

O ver and over, in a  

V ariety of situations, to consider

E ach other’s wellbeing.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Love/antilove PAD 5-1


God is Good


Today would have been

my parents' seventy-fifth anniversary.

As it was, they made it to fifty.


We always told them to go for the gold.

They did and then they died.

I miss them and often wish them alive.


But with what is going on around us,

Mom would have worried.

Dad would have been mad.


Now, my husband and I

are going for the gold.

I never thought it would be this hard.


In two days,

it will be the seventh anniversary

of his second pontine (brain stem) stroke.


Our marriage was a love/antilove story,

but we’ve always been able to agree

on one thing, “God is good.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Nerves PAD 4-3


Audacity of the Ex


A udacious to even come

U nintimidated by all around               

D iscourteous to the bride

A nd the guts to come inside

C heeky, I’ve got to say

I mpudence on display

T he gall to greet her there

Y es, nervy, but with flair.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Nerves PAD 4-2



Some speak of butterflies

More like alligators

Or tigers

Or monsters

Ready to eat me alive

Simply because

I said, “Yes, I will speak

for the women’s meeting.”

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Nerves PAD 4-1

 Stressed Out


I can tell when she’s ready to erupt

like Mount Vesuvius over Pompeii.

I take a breath,

speak in low tones,

and reassure her the world

isn’t coming to an end

just because I had asked her,

“When will you return?”

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Correspond 3-3


Correspondence with God


Each morning, though this may sound odd,

I write a letter to Dear God.

I thank Him for His gifts each day.

And that He hears me when I pray.

I seek His help in trials and tests.

And ask Him for some strength and rests.

And seek His grace for things I’ve done.

And pray for folks to love His Son

And when His answers are delayed,

It helps recall the things I’ve prayed.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Correspond PAD 3-2


Christmas Letters


So few write Christmas letters anymore,

But I still do, at least the years before.

I wonder then if I should call it quits.

When I send them, perhaps alone it sits.

My friends may tire from all the Christmas scripts.

Who wants to read about my special trips?

Or what my family’s up to through the year.

Or stories of the folks that I hold dear.

About my writing and the jobs I do.

About God’s love that always sees me through.

I think that I will write one anyway,

But stick it in my journal there to stay.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Correspond PAD 3-1, Poetic Bloomings Clock

 The Kitchen Clock


A homemade kitchen clock hangs on my wall.

The photos correspond with numbers all.

One is my sister Kathy with dark hair.

Two, Judy who goes with me everywhere.  

And Linda, sister/friend is number three.

And the next one, number four, it is me.  

My youngest sister Karen, number five.

My BFF, on six, no more alive.

And both my kids are there in seven’s place.

Next, hubby’s number eight with bearded face.

The house that we grew up in stands for nine.

Ten’s Mom when she was young and looking fine.

Eleven is my Dad in World War Two,

And twelve is Mom and Dad, and now I’m through.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Disguise PAD 2-3

 A Photo of My Dad


He wears a wild black wig

which sticks out in all directions.

His tongue also sticks out.

Instead of a disguise,

the wig reveals

his silly side.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Monday, November 4, 2024

Disguise PAD 2-1


Having Fun


The witch on our porch.

Our only trick or treater.


“Have fun,” I said,

as I tossed a handful of candy

into her bag.


Then I heeded my own advice,

turned off the light

went back to my office

and worked a jigsaw.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Before you leave PAD 1-3


Bedtime Prayers


Before you head off to dreamland

With pillow under-head

Thank God for what He’s done that day

And for your daily bread


Before you head off to dreamland

Intercede for your kin

And pray for those you met that day

To hear Him from within


Before you head off to dreamland

Tell Him what’s on your heart

And when you see the morning sun

You’ll have a lovely start

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Before you leave, PAD 1-2


Note to Hubby


Before I leave, give me a kiss.

For only God knows what comes next.

That is a thing we should not miss.

It is what a loved one expects.


I know it’s sad, but think of this.

If it’s the last, think of effects.

Before I leave, give me a kiss,

For only God knows what comes next.


This kindness we will not dismiss.

I know you do not call or text.

Without a kiss, I may feel hexed.

And so, I will repeat with this,

Before I leave, give me a kiss.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Before You Leave PAD 1-1

 Note to Self


Before you leave this morning,

Empty your back pack.

Put in a snack,

some TP and a plastic bag

Cough drops, water, tissues

A sweater.

Have a good breakfast.

Check the weather and the map.

Don’t forget your hat.

Put on your hiking shoes

And warm coat.

Kiss your hubby goodbye.

Have a nice hike.