Friday, March 7, 2025

out my window Poetic Bloomings


In My Backyard


It’s Mid-February, and I thought winter

had grown senile and forgotten all about us

in Southwest Colorado.


But as I look out the back,

snow sparkles and shadows fill the pockets

where the snow has melted a bit.


The birds, disappointed

at the empty birdfeeder,

fly off in search of food.


The north side bushes,

still huddled beneath their burden,

must envy those on the sunny side.


The maple tree stands tall and bare

resolutely waiting for warmer weather

and a new green wardrobe.


As the sun brightens my backyard,

I wonder if this was the first and last snow,

with springtime just around the corner.


But knowing Colorado, I’m sure,

winter still has tricks up its sleeves,

senile or not.  

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