Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PoeticBloomings prompt Lost and Found

Horsey Sam Came Home

I got him when I was three.
I rode him hard and fast
till little sis came on the scene.
Sturdy and robust, Horsey Sam
could carry two a time.
Then he was passed on to a nephew
then another. He returned
to trot off with my daughter
then my son, then back east
to a couple of nieces.

My sister visited her grandchildren
living not far from me.
She brought Horsey Sam.
Alas, he’s ready for pasture
so they won’t be able to ride him.
No stand or springs. Reins broken.
Colors mostly worn off.
But he’s strong and solid.
For his fiftieth birthday
I’ll clear off my dresser top for him
to rest perhaps another fifty years.

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