Saturday, November 22, 2014

PAD Challenge Release

Fireflies Fly Freely

Ten fairies liked to fly with lightning bugs.
They found ten lightning bugs inside a jar.
They tried with all their might to set them free.
Without some help they could not get so far.

Ten fairies liked to fly with lightning bugs.
They lit their path at night so they could see.
Bugs told some funny jokes and made them laugh.
They twinkled and they danced most merrily.

They found ten lightning bugs inside a jar.
The lightning bugs were sad that they were caught.
“Please help us out,” they called out to their friends.
“With all our light, it’s getting rather hot.”

They tried with all their might to set them free.
The lid was on the jar so very tight.
They pounded on the sides till they were tired.
To leave them there, just didn’t seem quite right.

Without some help they could not get so far.
They whispered in the small big person’s ear.
He loosened up the lid and set them free.
The fairies and the bugs began to cheer.

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