Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poem Away Ekphrastc

Red Earth

In Alabama, on a church choir trip,
thirty-some of us youth from P-A,
I saw red earth for the first time.

Crammed on an old school bus,
we napped leaning on our arms
and we stayed in people’s homes.

We sang “Lightshine,” the girls
 in long green checked dresses,
the boys in jeans, shirts and bowties.

It was the first time many of us
traveled that far south and red earth
made us feel we had landed on Mars.

I live in Colorado now, “color red.”
I saw a a river turn red after a storm.
I’ve been to fifty states and a few countries.

My world has expanded. New places
and experiences don’t seem so foreign.

Aging may have its advantages.

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