Sunday, June 13, 2021

Poetic Asides Poetic Bloomings 18-2 ekphrastic

 Sea Breeze Trail Painting


In the Voyage of Dawn Treader, Edmond

And Lucy gazed at painting on the wall.

They thought of Narnia and all the fun,

Adventure, talking animals and all.


The painting was of a Narnian ship.

The two’s experiences rushed to mind,

Of their old friends and their magical trip,

Of personalities, quirky but kind.


But Eustace thought their tales were make believe,

Until the ship and sea began to move.

They felt the wind and they began to leave.

That Narnia was real, this sure did prove.


I see trail, flowers, palm trees, boats and sea.

Oh, how I wish that would happen to me!

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