Sunday, November 11, 2018

Poetic Asides nourishment

Spiritual Food
(Matthew 4:4)

When my soul is hungry, the Bible is a feast.
I munch upon the Scriptures from greatest to the least.
I gnaw upon the prophets like a juicy steak.
And savor Psalms and Proverbs like a snack during break.
I devour Acts and Romans when it’s time to regroup.
And I slurp up the gospels like I do with savory soup.
I might be like a kid eating veggies with Numbers and Lamentations.
But like cake and ice cream, Paul’s epistles are good for celebrations.
The book of Hebrews is definitely something to chew on.
And First and Second Peter gives me energy to move on.
First, Second and Third John are as sweet as juicy fruits.
And the books of history are like nourishing roots.
Like Grandma’s goulash which doesn’t look like food,
I eat Revelation anyway for I know it’s good.
I do not live on bread alone, though it may sound odd,
but every word that comes from the mouth of God.

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