Saturday, November 3, 2018

Poetic Blooming harvest time

Sweet Deal

We neighborhood kids would run across fields,
over creeks and up and down wooded hills.
We would play make-believe with TV names,
all kinds of sports, an assortment of games.
We rode our bicycles and took our spills.

With all that action, we needed a snack.
Near harvest time, we didn’t have to go back.
All kinds of apples and elderberries,
plums, cherries and grapes from bushes and trees,
blackberries and hazel nuts, hard to crack.

And all of that fuel would last meal to meal.
Was free for the taking, we didn’t steal.
We thought ourselves lucky and even blessed.
To live how we did, we thought it the best.
Our friends from town didn’t have such a deal.

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