Saturday, November 9, 2013

PAD 9 The Other ?

The Other Islands

Everyone has skiffs in Ketchikan
so they can boat from island to island—
Gravina, Annette, Pennock Islands,
but none like Revillagigedo.
Skiffs rest in its outstretched docks
like babes cradled in Mama’s arms.

1 comment:

lpnurse said...

This is a little different version than the one i posted on PA

The Other Occupant

I wake up in a different place
every night when she goes to sleep
whatever was on her mind
forms my surroundings
her friends and foe dance around me
faces blending together
locations shifting like sand
purple and telephones and freshness
door chimes and Oliver and orange
struggle to make sense of it all
pick out the story she could write
what she can say to her boss
work through it for her
let her heal from the day’s noise
because it is my job
I suffer through this bundle
of tangled colors, threads of chaos
that she may live in a straight line
when I end the dream and tell her to
wake up