Monday, June 25, 2018

PAD 29 Response to an earlier Poem, acrostic


W e’re half way through the week. The
E nd is just around the corner.
D id I accomplish anything so far?
N ow, I have two more days before the week
E nd. My to-do list seems longer than what it was on
S unday night. God, please orchestrate my
D ays. Help me do what’s important
A nd be about the purpose You have for me.
Y ou are what really matters.


S urvived this week, Lord, thank You. As
U sual I didn’t get all of my to-dos done.
N ow, as I look back on my week I
D eclare that I have a fairly interesting life
A lthough, it doesn’t feel like it at times. I’ll trust
Y ou to carry me through another week.

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