Thursday, November 25, 2021

Blank of the Blank #1 Poetic Asides Nov 8

Joy of the Morning


Thank You, Lord, for morning prayers

committing to my loving Heavenly Father

the cares of the world, my church, my family.


Thank You, for hearing me

and speaking strength, hope

and encouragement to my spirit.


Thank You for being my joy

 and the reason I get out of bed

and look forward to the day in anticipation.


Thank You for yesterday's blessings:

Sunday school, church, worship

where we could feel your presence.


For our new youth pastor

and how you led him to our church.

Thank You for hugs from friends.


Thank You for long talks with my son,

 my farm quilt jigsaw puzzle,

my markers and paper to doodle with.


Thank You for Hubby and I

eating our meals together.

And for talking and praying with a friend.


Thank You, Lord,

may your perfect will be done on earth

and especially in my life.  

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