Friday, November 19, 2021

Location #1 Poetic Asides Challenge Nov 6

 Cortez, Colorado


Thank you for my adobe-colored home 

tucked in a small Colorado town

not far from Mesa Verde National Park. 

The mountains, mesas and deserts.

The cedars, pinons, aspens and cottonwoods. 


Thank you for my new back porch

and beautiful freshly-landscaped yard.

The cozy rooms.

My green recliner.

The whirr of the heater on a chilly November morning

with the promise of sunshine, bright blue skies

 and golden leaves aglow in the afternoon. 


Thank You for the expansive park system.

The Canada geese and ducks

The play grounds.

 The two fountains in the ponds.

 The Recreation Center and library

 starting to open up since the pandemic. 


The bustling Main Street

with its shops, movie theatre,

banks, restaurants, grocery stores.

The various schools and churches

scattered throughout.


Thank you for the townspeople

and the equal amount living in rural areas

who are Hispanic, Native American,

White, Asian and Black.

Thank you, most of all, that You,

the wonderful creative artist,

shows up in His work. 

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