Thursday, November 18, 2021

Special #3 Poetic Asides Challenge Nov 5

 Thank You for My Hubby 


Thank you for my special hubby. 

We have been married 42 years.

We are like seeds planted in the earth,

weathering all kinds of storms.

We’ve had both sunshine

and rain along the way.


His was my favorite singing voice,

second to Neil Diamond.

Since his second stroke,

he sounds more like the godfather,

but even that’s becoming dear to me.


His beard is turning white like Santa's.

I cut his hair and beard 

and still enjoy his closeness.


Thank you for his laughter and tears,

(also a new thing since the strokes).

The doctor described it

as a broken emotional thermostat.

I think it was broken the other way before,

he rarely expressed his emotions.


Now, he laughs at my jokes. 

Plus it sounds like music to me

when he comes down the hallway

pushing his walker, giggling.


Now, I know when he's touched by a good movie

or a sermon because he cries,

not just a tear or two,

full-on weeping. 

Thank you that though his body is broken,

he can still do finances on his computer.

Though he can't unclog drain,

splice an electrical cord,

or put a bolt in a chair,

he can tell me how to do it.

Thank you that he still memorizes scripture

better than I can.


Thank you that though the survival rate is low

for his type of strokes, it will be four years

November 7th that he’s still with me.

Thank you that we’re still together

and enjoy each other's company

just as much as we ever have. 

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